Saturday 27 August 2011

Non-Muslims Section PDFPrintE-mail

The 8 Principles To Discover The Existence Of God PDFPrintE-mail
1. Whatever we perceive by our senses exits

2. Certainty is obtainable by decisive report as equal to what is obtained by the senses.
For example, we know the Bermuda Triangle exists but have we ever seen it? We know meteorites exist but have we ever seen them? No! But we know it does because we have decisive report.
3. We must not reject the existence of a matter just because we are unable to perceive it by our senses.
For example, a prisoner is locked in a cell. He has 4 view points.
He can see to a certain extent through the windows, but cannot see in the corners. Never the less he cannot deny what he is unable to see. He may see trees through the window, but he cannot see that it continues, but he knows it is there.

For example, Sugar tastes but also smells. We cannot smell it but ants can, hence they ‘run for it!’ Just because we can’t sense it, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t smell!

Example, we know bacteria exist but we can’t see it.
4. Human imagination cannot perceive something beyond reality.
For example, Jannah, Hell-Fire and Life after death. We cannot perceive these through our imagination because it is beyond our reality, but we know it exists.

Paradise and Hell-Fire are impossible to be proven rationally as we cannot perceive it with our senses, hence we cannot imagine it. The only way we know it exists is from divine sources. If Allah never told us about them, then it is impossible to have the concept of Paradise and Hell-Fire.

Example, Try to imagine the ‘Bogie monster’. The only thing you can do is put together previous information you have about bogie and a monster.
5. The comprehension of the existence of a matter by the mind is restricted to time and place.
For example, Britain has a war with Russia. It is not in the UK nor in Russia, nor on land or on water, nor in the air. It didn’t happen last year or any other year. We cannot comprehend this because it is not restricted to time or place.

Example, I come from a country, not from Bangladesh or Pakistan and neither from the UK. Nor from Asia, Europe, America or any other continent. Where am I from? We cannot comprehend until I restrict to place.
6. Believing in God is part of the Human Nature.
For example, Allah asked us before we were sent to this world A-lastu bi Rabbikum ‘Am I not your Lord?’ And we testified Qaalu Bala ‘Yes indeed’. Surah ‘Araf verse 172, (7: 172).
7. Believing in the existence of other life is a direct result of believing in the existence of God.
The fact that we can see other creations is poof that Allah exists. Because who created them?
8. Man by his nature is limited, weak and needy.
We have the attributes of a creation. All creations are limited, weak and needy.
Invitation To Think PDFPrintE-mail
Happiness is a commodity which we all strive for, whether it be through the purchase of expensive houses and cars, going on luxury cruises and relaxing with a cool drink on some beach in the Mediterranean, considering there to be only one life and that therefore one should make the most of it. Instead of this we should live through the observance of a divinely revealed lifestyle with the hope of an eternal paradise in the hereafter.

The choice of lifestyle is obviously of paramount importance since one would not wish to be busy in the temporal pleasures of the world if eternal hell-fire awaits nor would one wish to have restricted ones sphere of enjoyment in the false hope of paradise.

Any enlightened person will have, at some point in their life, considered whether or not a supreme being, originator or creator of the universe exists, and if this question yields a positive answer then it must naturally follow that one needs to know what kind of relationship, if any, one should have with such a god in order to derive the maximum amount of benefit in this life and in the next and in order to avoid harm.

Before presenting any kind of evidence, either in favor of or against the existence of a creator, we must consider the rules of evidence i.e. What can we irrefutably consider as reliable evidence? There are seven possibilities:
Science - this is considered to be the most objective and impartial of the evidences. Empiricists however, only conclude that something exists if it is within their direct sensible perception. Hence, since a creator, if he exists, is not perceivable, science cannot answer our question.

Mathematics - this is an abstract science which has no reality unless the numbers are quantified e.g. 1 Apple + 1 Apple =2 Apples, and since the creator is not quantifiable mathematics is inappropriate.

Logic - the proponents of pure logic make assumptive statements which are easily manipulated to reach a desired conclusion and hence logic is also inappropriate.

Philosophy - this involves notions used to formulate opinions which are often abstract and false, not a reliable source of evidence.

History - each individuals interpretation is valid but since no-we was usually around at the time it is difficult to prove matters beyond dispute.

Blind faith -is an emotional bond between a person and his faith which is not a tangible reality to others and therefore not available to measure the existence of a creator.

Rationality -is based on the reality perceived. It focuses on the definite aspect of things and therefore its conclusions never contradict, there being only ever we answer to each question e.g. That there is writing on this page.
At this point some ground rules must be laid before we tackle our fundamental question. Firstly, we are dealing with that reality which we are all able to understand under normal circumstances. Secondly, that our aim is not to explain the essence of the creator, if he exists, but merely to quantify the steps leading up to his existence or non existence. Thirdly, that we are only concerned with the definite aspects of reality, not assumptions or theories concerning it.

Let us now proceed; Using rationality the universe can be either finite or eternal. If something is eternal then rationally it can have no cause and hence it must be self-subsistent and infinite. If the universe is infinite it must have an infinite number of stars and, hence, light which should illuminate the infinite amount of darkness and consequently there should be no night, the light having had an infinite amount of time to reach us. This is clearly not the case. Hence, the universe is not eternal but finite.

If the universe is finite, like all of its component parts e.g. Man and other life forms, all having a beginning and an end, then, just like its component parts, it must be subject to the laws of nature such as cause and effect since matter does not effect the laws of nature but rather abides by them, even at point zero, since if matter can instigate a change in the laws of nature then such a change should also exist today.

There can therefore only be three possibilities;
1. The universe appeared out of nothing.
2. The universe exists 0000as an infinite chain of cause and effect.
3. The universe was caused by an unlimited creator.

1. The first option is contrary, as we have stated, to the fact of cause and effect.

2. The second option is similarly incorrect since the first effect must necessarily have had a cause and cannot have instigated itself.

3. The third option is possible and, however fantastic or unbelievable this may seem, it can be the only explanation i.e. That the universe and all of its components, including man, can only have been the result of an all-powerful and unlimited entity.

If therefore we conclude that a creator exists, which we must, then our next question must surely be what relationship do we have, if any, with the creator? That is, how is we to derive the maximum amount of benefit from the creator? What is the purpose, if any, of creation? etc... For although we can prove the existence of a creator rationally we cannot determine our relationship with it since the creators essence or attributes are beyond our sensible perception and hence beyond rationality. Our search through the annuls of history should inform us whether this creator ever communicated with us.

We therefore invite you to think for yourself, to contemplate upon the perfection with which man has been created; the precision with which he operates defies pure chance.

You think you know Science BUT The Quran Challenges you. PDFPrintE-mail
Sunday, 15 January 2006
Ours is an era of space probes, computer chips, laser surgeries and cloning. If we were to label any book as a revelation from God, we couldn't help but to scrutinize this Scripture using modern scientific knowledge. It could not be that a revelation, proclaiming itself from God, could constitute aspects contradicting established scientific facts. How could we assume otherwise, when God is the one who created the universe and the laws operating within it.

The Quran was revealed 1400 years ago to the last Prophet of God, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a guidance for all humanity. The entire Quran has been committed to memory by millions of Muslims around the world and has been preserved by God from any interpolations, for continuing guidance. Besides providing guidelines in personal, socio-economic-politico, moral and spiritual spheres of humanity, the Quran touches upon diverse scientific topics like astronomy, geology, embryology, genetics, biology, archeology etc. Some of these are mentioned below to prove the Quran's Divine origin. Dr. T.V.N. Persaud [1], professor of Anatomy, says: "You have an illiterate person (Prophet Muhammad) making profound statements that are amazingly accurate, of a scientific nature...I personally can't see how this could be mere chance, there are too many accuracies and like Dr. Moore, I have no difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which lead him to these statements".
The Big Bang !
Currently, the Big Bang model of the origin of the universe is the cosmological paradigm most widely accepted by astronomers. It holds that about 15 billion years ago the universe began with the explosive expansion of a single, extremely dense matter, the primordial mass. Only after the development of radio telescopes in 1937 that, the necessary observational precision was achieved in order for astronomers to arrive at the above conclusion. What does the Quran say about our universe's origin?
"Do not the unbelievers see that the Heavens and the earth were joined together, then We split them apart." (21:30)
Expanding Universe:
In 1925, Edwin Hubble (after whom the Hubble Space telescope is named) provided the observational evidence for the expansion of the universe. Stephen Hawking (author of 'A Brief History of Time') states: "The universe is not static, as had previously been thought, it is expanding". So what did God reveal in the Quran,
1400 years ago? "And the firmament, We constructed with power and skill and verily We are expanding it" (51:47) ("We" is the Arabic plural of respect, not the Christian plural of 'trinity")
The Existence of Sun's Orbit: Ancient people use to believe that the Sun revolves around the earth. Later, Nicholas Copernicus in 1512, laid his Heliocentric Theory of Planetary motion, which placed the sun motionless in the center of the solar system with all the planets revolving around it. Modern science tells us now that the sun too is not still, but is in motion. The sun traveling at roughly 150 miles per second takes about 200 million years to complete one revolution around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy and 25 days to make one complete rotation around its own axis. See how beautifully and accurately God revealed this phenomenon in the Quran: "It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion." (21:33)
Earth is constantly bombarded by meteoroids that disintegrate upon the atmosphere and by lethal rays emitted by the sun. This UV radiation is absorbed by the Ozone layer forming the outer fringe of our atmosphere. Thus our atmosphere along with its Ozone layer is a protective covering for us. Life possibly could not have existed without it. How meticulously, does our Lord sustain and protect us against this atmospheric destruction. "And We have made the atmosphere a protective roof, yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things point to." (21:32)
Embryology: The Dutch naturalist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) produced lenses powerful enough to prove that many tiny creatures are not spontaneously generated but are produced from eggs. The science of Embryology as we know it today did not discover many of the detailed aspects of human embryonic development until the 1970s, using powerful microscopes, ultra sound and fiber optics technology. See how the Quran described the stages of embryonic development.
"God fashioned man from a small quantity (of sperm)" (16:4) Fertilization takes place with only one sperm among several tens of million produced by man.
"Then We placed him as a drop in a place of rest" (23:13) Implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus.
"Then We made the drop into a leech like structure..." (23:14) This resemblance of the human embryo to a leech is an appropriate description of the human embryo from days 7-24, then it clings to the endometrium of the uterus. "And He (God) gave you hearing and sight and feeling and understanding." (32:9) The internal ears appear before the eyes, and the brain (the sight of understanding) differentiates last.
Dr. E. Marshall Johnson [2] Professor of Anatomy, concluded after studying verses from Quran: "The Quran describes not only the development of external form but emphasizes also the internal stages - the stages inside the embryo of its creation and development, emphasizing major events recognized by contemporary science... so I see nothing in conflict with the concept that divine intervention was involved..."
Gender Determination:
The concept of "Gender Determination" as being described by geneticists, is one of the outstanding informations revealed to us in the Quran. This information is now a known fact, that sperms are the deciding factors in determining the type of gender (male or female) in the new embryo. This determination through the male sperm is due to the fact that sperms have an X and Y chromosomes, while the female ovum has only X Chromosomes (X, X). Through the Quran, The Almighty informs us that it is the male sperms that determine the type of gender for the new offspring: "Does man think that he will be left uncontrolled (without purpose)? Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in humble form)? Then did (God) make and fashion (him) in due proportion. And of him He made two sexes, male and female..." (75:36-40)
We invite all sincere humans to study Islam with an open mind. Don't blindly follow the whims and paganistic influences of the environment around us. God bestowed upon us this superb mind to seek and live the truth; for we all will be accountable on the Day of Judgment for our beliefs and deeds. Don't delay your salvation. Welcome to Islam!
References:1) Dr. T.V.N. Persaud, Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy, University of
Manitoba, Canada, received in 1991 the most distinguished award presented in the field of
Anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grand Award.
2) Dr. E. Marshall Johnson, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anatomy and
Developmental Biology, and the Director of the Daniel Baugh Institute, Thomas Jefferson
University, Philadelphia, USA
3) Dr. Keith Moore, Professor of Embryology, Department of Anatomy, Univ. of Toronto, Canada,
recipient of numerous awards and honors, including in 1984, the J.C.B. Grand Award, which is
the highest honor granted by the Canadian Association of Anatomists.
4) Dr. Maurice Bucaille, French Physician, Author of 'The Bible, the Quran and Science,
Seghers, Paris, 1987.
5) Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, and the President of the
American Fertility Society. 6) Dr. Tejatet Tejasen, Professor and Head of Department of
Anatomy, Faculty
of Medicine, University of Chiang, Thailand

Is HE Out There ? PDFPrintE-mail
The Islamic belief and subsequently the Islamic Way of Life are premised on the intellectual basis. Therefore, Islam is neither a religion nor a set of values and rituals that arise out of blind faith. Rather, Islam is an Intellectual belief from which emanates comprehensive socio-Economic-political belief i.e. the belief in God, Allah (swt) and the word of God, the Qur’an.

Today if you mention God then you’ll probably get a negative reaction. It has become the trend to get on with life and not bother to ask the question whether there is a God or not. In fact this question was not even asked much in the days of old, when you simply had to believe in God or be persecuted. Therefore, it is not surprising that people find it easy to believe that the existence or God is a myth, simply because they have never thought deeply about the idea.
It is because people continued to believe in God blindly, i.e. blind faith, rather than using rationale, that science and its attempted explanations of universal phenomena was hailed as he ‘new God’. But let us deal with both arguments- for and against the existence of a creator- from rational perspective. A common argument by many Christians and some other religions is that God is the God of many abstract attributes such as Love, Peace, Mercy which indeed are admirable qualities for human beings to aspire to. This characterization of God is based upon implicit assumption that God can be likened to human beings thus the attempt to understand God in a human framework. Accordingly, we find in some societies, such as early Greek, that individual Gods were used to represent single human attributes, and in other cultures gods have the quality to reproduce.
The question this begs is whether the essence of an unlimited Creator is understandable through limited, imperfect human mind when God lies beyond our perception? Rational thought would dictate that if God exists then knowledge of God’s attributes could only come from itself. Therefore famine in the world leading to deaths of millions would not deny the Justice, Mercy or Love f a supposed god, but would only if one attributed the human essence to God. Similarly, If one understands God as the governor and controller of the universe then the notion of God dying is nonsensical. This is the failure of Christianity and indeed all religions, as their belief becomes a matter of blind faith. Consequently, they allow themselves to be plagued by rational contradictions which inevitably lead to intellectual refutation.
With regard to the opposing view proposed my scientific theories to disprove the existence of God. Are these arguments valid? To understand the validity of any proposed arguments the premise should be examined. Science is concerned with the methodology of process in the physical world, i.e. it deals with ‘how’ and not ‘why’. Thus scientists are not concerned with why gravity exists but how gravity influences bodies to shape the universe.
The scientific method is limited in that if it can only deduce rules by repeated observation of physical phenomena. Thus the questions of the existence of God does not and cannot fall in to he realm of scientific thought because science deals with the mechanism of events and phenomena within the universe i.e. the tangible and not the intangible. O test the hypothesis to apply the scientific proof for or against God, one would effectively have said that god is ‘testable’. Therefore, logically one would conclude god to be within the universe since god must be physically tangible in order to test. Since God is tangible and contained in the universe, God must be limited and therefore cannot be God.
Thus scientists are falling in to the same trap as the blind followers of religion, that is they are implicitly defining a role to god as the one who makes things work’. Since scientists have explained how things work the question of god does not arise. Those ho argue from this angle have falsely assumed an tribute/essence of god in the same way Christians say God has a son or is Love.
To prove or disprove the existence of a Creator we need to go beyond the limitations of scientific method and proceed rationally for it is only the rational thought which has the ability deal with an issue like this.
Man progresses as a result of his thoughts concerning everything around him. Thoughts are what distinguishes man from other animals and without them man would be lost. Thought occurs when man receives in formation about something through his five senses. He then distinguishes it by linking it to previous information and experiences he has encountered. For example, a person comes across a plant. He knows that it is a plant due to previous knowledge of what a plant looks like. But only when he links it with previous information on the various types of plants will he be able to tell if it is edible or poisonous.
Hence, just receiving information is not enough. It will remain only as in formation that we cannot appreciate or understand. However the process of linking to previous information and distinguishing information is the process of thought and is the key of understanding and progressing.
Consequently, when man becomes convinced of the correctness of a thought, it becomes a concept which he carries, thus, affecting his behavior. For example, if we carry a concept of dislike of someone, it will affect our behavior towards that person. So we see that carrying false ideas has serious implications for a person and if such false ideas are carried widely it has serious implications for society.
Thus, the idea if question of God has serious implications because the answer obtained becomes the very basis by which we understand the creation and the purpose of man, life and the universe.
Therefore, the method used should not merely be the rational thought but be comprehensive and agree with
reality. Anything hypothetical or emotional should be rejected since their basis disagrees with Ration and reality.
When we look around us at everything we can sense one factor is shared by these things, and that is that
they are all limited. By limited we mean that they have restrictions, a starting point and an ending point, and they all have definable attributes, i.e. they are finite. Man is born and he dies. There is no one alive who will not die. During his life span, He will grow to a certain shape, height and volume.
The universe is defined as all the celestial bodies and planets. All these objects have a certain mass, shape, volume and so on. The life span of a star may be very long, but a point in time will come when it will cease to exist. The universe is large, but it is still a ‘finite’ space. No scientist could ever prove using hard facts that the universe has no bounds. In fact when they say the universe arose from a big bang and is expanding they inherently admit that it is finite in size, otherwise it could not expand!
There is nothing in reality which is unlimited. No matter how hard we try, man is unable to find anything
unlimited around him. All he can perceive is finite and limited.
A further attribute of everything around us is that they are all needy and dependent in order to continue existing. They are not self sustaining or independent. Man has needs. Man must eat and drink if he is to survive. If he does not he will die. We see need and dependency in plants and animals. They depend on other parts of the food chain for their existence. The water cycle is dependent on the sun, which is dependent on the laws of the galaxy and of burning mass, and so on… Nothing man can perceive is self-subsistence. So things exist, but do not have the power of existence. They cannot control when they die or other
bodies die.
There is one fact that emerges from this. If something is limited and finite, and does not have the power to be self-subsistent then it must have been created.
Applying this to everything we see will bring us to a conclusion. If everything in the universe is created because it has not the power of being existence on its own, and is finite and limited, then there must be a creator. This creator by contrast has to be unlimited and not needy and dependent on any thing to bring it in to or sustain its existence. The universe; the sum of finite and dependent objects is finite and dependent- but dependent on what? Dependent on something to start and sustain life, something to plan and develop life.
The only rational and intellectual solution to the question of creation is that there is a Creator which has
accounted for all that we see and perceive.
Ration tells us that nothing can be created without a creator. Ultimately there must b a Creator who is unlimited in every aspect.
Some scientists challenge this with a theory that everything depends on something for existence, which in
turn depends upon something for existence, and so on ad infinitum. This theory is irrational, as it does not explain how anything came into existence in the first place. It uses an idea of ‘Infinity’ which we know does not exist in reality. It does not, or even make an attempt, to explain the very first step in the sequence. It is illogical and incomplete in its theory , and far from being scientific. If at its basis the theory is weak, how is it possible to trust the proceeding theoretical argument for the creation of the universe?
* Hence, looking at any planet in the universe, contemplating on any phase of life, or comprehending any aspect of man provides a conclusive evidence for the existence of a creator, what Muslims call Allah (swt)

*This intellectual proof of the existence of Allah (swt) is an understanding open for everyone and obligatory for all Muslims to be convinced of. Each person must explore to the limit of his understanding."

*Blind belief has no place in Islam

*Believing through instinctive emotions is unreliable and dangerous as emotions can change and add error to ones belief and actions. And if the basis of the belief is irrational and weak, how can system of life be built upon it.

However, those of whom do not want to be manipulated, learn about Islam. The government has attained the ability to control you and the masses and it is time to break free from the yolk of this manipulation and learn about the truth, and the only truth that exists is the truth that is with Allah(The Creator of the Worlds). That truth is none other than Islam. It is time for this society to become a population of thinkers and not blind followers. It is time to find out about Islam. It is time to find out about the truth by using your own Mind. Don’t be fool by the media propaganda.
We invite you to Islam. Don’t be Islamophobic.Use your own intellect.
We invite you to Islam. Don’t be Islamophobic.Use your own intellect.
Science Discovers God PDFPrintE-mail
We live our lives here in the 21st centaury without giving much regard to actually finding out the purpose of our existence. From birth to death, we strive in some way to obtain the goals that society sets for us. It seems the advent of the technologically advanced age has done away with notions of religious mumbo jumbo. Indeed that mystic mumbo jumbo, many would put it, caused nothing but wars and deaths in days long gone. Today we place our trust in men of knowledge, those scientists and thinkers who are now able to answer the question of life and existence for us.
In this article, it becomes plain as to what conclusions our “men of knowledge” and scientists are coming to:
I am very impressed to find true astronomical facts in the Quran
- Prof. Yoshidi Qusan
Prof. Yoshidi Qusan is The Director of the Tokyo Observatory. He expressed surprise when he was shown the evidence in the Quran that indicated that the Universe was once one mass, which had resulted from a massive in-rush of hot gasses (referred to as smoke within the Quran).
All signs are converging to the indication that the whole firmament was nothing but a cloud of smoke”. As indicated in the Holy Quran.
- Prof. Yoshidi Qusan

Moreover He (God) comprehended in his design the sky, and it had been smoke. He said to it and to the earth- Come ye together willingly or unwillingly. They said we do come in willingly obedience.” Holy
Moreover He (God) comprehended in his design the sky, and it had been smoke. He said to it and to the earth- Come ye together willingly or unwillingly. They said we do come in willingly obedience.” Holy
Prof. Alfred Cronner is one of the world’s leading geologists. His remarks above were prompted by several Islamic texts, one that is quoted from the Holy Quran below:

Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and earth were joined together (as one entity), before we clove them asunder.”- Holy Qur'an.
He noted the remarkable similarity with current understanding as to how the universe was considered as a single entity which exploded and rapidly expanded. “ The heavens, We (God) have built them with power. Verily we are expanding them”- Holy Quran.
Modern scientific methods are now in a position to prove what Muhammad (Messenger of God) said 1400 years ago”.
- Prof. Alfred Cronner.
No matter how much money you make, or how much sensual pleasure you achieve, it all comes to and end. The pleasure, the power, the money is limited. Even if you achieve a few of these goals, you will never be satisfied within your minds as what the truth is. Who do you trust to answer the very question of existence itself…? If there is a God, a Creator, then what does it wishes to say….? What does He want us to do….? Don’t just guess, or hope that someday the answer will drop into your lap. You owe it to yourself
to find out. We provided you with some answers, but it is up to you to research more about ISLAM. Find out more about ISLAM, and see for yourself what these Scientists saw with their own eyes. ISLAM is the truth.
Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to an agreement between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall ascribe no partner unto Him, and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah. And if they Science Discovers God turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered (unto Him) [Qur'an 3:64]
God is One. There is no Trinity. Jesus(P) is a prophet of God, and like all his fellow prophets, he is a human being. We love him, and believe in him, and affirm all of his miracles, bestowed upon him as a favor from his Lord. He called for the worship of God alone and for righteousness - as every prophet of
God has done. However, his pure monotheistic message was gradually changed by some 'Christians' into a polytheistic one, by transforming Jesus(P), the servant of God, into a mythological God-incarnate figure to be worshipped alongside God All-Mighty. This distortion of the message of Jesus(P) is the religion called Christianity.
All praise is due to God, who is guiding many Christians to realize that God is truly One, the All-Mighty, free of all imperfections, and that everlasting salvation lies in turning to Him and Him only in all acts of worship, that Jesus(P) is the messenger of God, and that Muhammad(P) is the last of the messengers of
God. You are invited to read the testimonies of over 150 former Christians who have embraced Islam, but bear in mind that this is only a drop in the ocean, as daily there are hundreds of conversions from Christianity to Islam all around the world. Amongst the most powerful and thought-provoking testimonies are those of former Christian Scientists, priests and missionaries who have discovered the one true religion.
If you are a Christian, then we invite you to look into Islam with an open mind from rational perspective , the one true religion of Abraham(P), Moses(P), Jesus(P), and Muhammad (P), by bearing witness that there is none worthy of worship but God and that Muhammad(P) is the messenger of God. In doing so, you will have taken the path of true guidance and submission to God. All human beings are born into a state of submission to the Will of God, that is to say, you were born a Muslim. By embracing Islam, you will return to the pure, original, sinless state in which God created you. You will experience true freedom - the pure, direct, and exclusive worship of the One True God, free of any intermediaries between you and Him. You will find that you have entered a religion pure and clear, free of confusion and contradiction, with a preserved Book and a beautiful way of life. And in the hereafter, you will abide forever in peace, in gardens beneath which rivers flow, and you will look upon the Face of the Lord.
One of the major criteria for distinguishing the Truth from errors, that we would like to stress, is the authenticity of the religious scripture. In reality, Muslims are the only ones who even claim to have an authentic scripture from God, in its original form, of which not a single letter has been changed. We say Muslims are the only ones because, for example, many Jewish and Christian scholars dispute the authenticity of their books. Most other religions admit that their scriptures are in fact human writings. And if we say that there is a Truth and God, we are likely to believe that God wants us to do certain things and abstain from others. Muslims believe that God communicates with His creation through His chosen Prophets. If we are of the view that God would not leave us without a reliable Revelation, then the mere fact that Muslims are the only ones who even claim to have an authentic revelation could attest to the truthfulness of their claim.
However, as mentioned earlier, the Qur'an invites us to reason and to accept faith based on knowledge, rather than the blind following of our traditions. "Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradiction." [4:82] This is only an introduction in which we wanted to raise a few issues regarding the criteria for knowing the Truth. We have by no means given an exhaustive list (of these criteria), and we encourage you to visit to any Mosque (Masjid) or Email us to gain more knowledge and a better understanding of Islam. Don’t be blind follower of the media.
We invite you to Islam! Don’t be Islamophobic.
Use your own intellect.
Remember there is NO Life or Dignity without Islam.
As our non-Muslim guests, you may want to gain a more basic understanding of the true essence of ISLAM both from a religious and political point of view. There may also be others who have shown interest in Islam and are looking for additional information or have a particular question.
What we’d like to explain here is why Muslims follow Islam, and some of the rationale behind their adherence to their Ideology. Unfortunately, Islam is an oftmisunderstood Ideology and Islamic beliefs are so frequently distorted. Firstly, Islam is not simply a religion, it is an ideology from which stems a political system that encompasses a social, political, economic, judicial and penal systems. Reducing Islam to the level of a religion is incorrect and is insulting to millions of Muslims who hold firm to the political system encompassed in ISLAM. How otherwise could the Islamic civilization have lasted for more than 1400 years? The ideology bonded the people together regardless of race, color or ethnic origin. It overtakes western democracy and capitalism on a scale that makes it the best ideology ever brought to mankind. Within this article the word "Religion" is synonymous with the word "Ideology". We hope this will help correct some misconceptions and increase understanding of this fast-growing ideology, which is followed by over 1.7 billion people.
Muslims believe that there is an absolute truth and that we do not necessarily act on "imperfect knowledge", as some believe.
Our rationale necessitates that one of the following options must be correct: There is only one god, or there are many gods, or there is no god. We likely believe that one of these three views must be correct, and the other two necessarily false. This could be a rational explanation why Muslims are of the view that not all systems of belief are correct. While Islam teaches that "there is no compulsion in belief" (the meaning of a verse in the Qur'an, 2:256), it also teaches that the Truth is distinct from errors. The Qur'an, a Scripture revealed to the final Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in many verses invites people to reason and critically analyze its teachings, so that they may believe that such a Book is a Revelation, and that it could not have been produced by someone who had never read or written (since Muhammad, peace be upon him, was illiterate).
The Qur'an says that "Whosoever wills let him believe, and whosoever wills let him disbelieve" [18:29], as one's believing or not believing does not benefit or harm the Creator of the universe in any way. One's belief is for one's own benefit. That belief should be based on knowledge and clear proofs, rather than on blind faith and it should also not contradict our reasoning, for why would God create reason and religion that fundamentally contradict each other? One could ask, are there really any rational criteria at our disposal, based on which we can judge various claims of knowing the Truth? There are certainly rational criteria at our disposal, and one's emotional commitment to religion should be preceded by an intellectual
commitment to it. Reason, in fact, is our primary means for finding the Truth. We can put any Ideology or system of beliefs to test by examining whether it is rational, universal, applicable at all times, in all places, and by people of all colors and languages, and whether the religion's Scripture is free of alteration, internal and external inconsistencies. A scripture is internally inconsistent if it contains discrepancies and contradictions within its text, and externally inconsistent if it contradicts facts (not theories) from science and nature as we know them. For it is impossible that God does not know His creation or that which He creates. We say "He", but it should be noted that Muslims believe that God is distinct from His creation
and there is nothing like unto Him. We humans cannot describe and attain to the utmost of His greatness, which is as He described Himself in the Qur'an.
Muslims believe in pure monotheism and they reject views of those who give human characteristics of weakness and imperfection to the Divine (for example, the belief of some that God wrestled with a human, or that He was in a woman's womb for nine months, that he ate food, fulfilled his needs, was dead for a period of time, or has partners - we say, far above is God from such imperfections), or those who attribute Divine characteristics of perfection to humans or to any of God's creation. Muslims also believe that this world neither created itself, nor that it came from nothing - and we believe that it is a product of Intelligence, rather than chance. We also believe in all prophets sent from God, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them all. We believe that all of them called to the same religion, submission to the Creator, alone with no partner. Our experience tells us that a few minutes of reasoning can usually leave us persuaded in the truth of God's absolute Oneness and Uniqueness, so what remains to be studied is which religion is truly monotheistic in its nature.
One of the major criteria for distinguishing the Truth from errors, that we would like to stress, is the authenticity of the religious scripture. In reality, Muslims are the only ones who even claim to have an authentic scripture from God, in its original form, of which not a single letter has been changed. We say Muslims are the only ones because, for example, many Jewish and Christian scholars dispute the of their books. Most other religions admit that their scriptures are in fact human writings. And if we say that there is a Truth and God, we are likely to believe that God wants us to do certain things and abstain from others. Muslims believe that God communicates with His creation through His chosen Prophets. If we are of the view that God would not leave us without a reliable Revelation, then the mere fact that Muslims are the only ones who even claim to have an authentic revelation could attest to the truthfulness of their claim.
However, as mentioned earlier, the Qur'an invites us to reason and to accept faith based on knowledge, rather than the blind following of our traditions. "Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much contradiction." [4:82] This is only an introduction in which we wanted to raise a few issues regarding the criteria for knowing the Truth. We have by no means given an exhaustive list (of these criteria), and we encourage you to visit to any Mosque (Masjid) or Email us to gain more knowledge and a better understanding of Islam. Don’t be blind follower of the media!
We invite you to Islam.
Don’t be Islamophobic. Use your own intellect.
Remember there is NO Life or Dignity without Islam.

Who Made God? PDFPrintE-mail
This is probably the most asked question concerning the Creator. Every theist and atheist alike has thought about it, even if he/she could not answer it or did not wish or delve into it for fear for blaspheming. Indeed, the reaction of most Muslims is either to shun the question or answer it without giving an explanation by declaring 'no one it without giving an explanation by declaring 'no one made God because He is Eternal!. The confusion this creates for a sincere seeker of the Truth is that on the one hand Muslims (and other theists) use the argument that every effect requires a distinct prior cause to prove that our universe could not have always been there, nor did it make itself or for that matter come from nothing.

Therefore, It must have been created or caused to come into being by some separate entity (i.e. God). On the other hand, the same people appear to be anomalous in their line of argument of claiming that God was always there and was always there and was not caused. The questioner in this case is not denying that God exists, but merely in doubt that God exists, but merely in doubt as to how can God have always been there and had no beginning. In this article, we shall endeavor to put an end to this controversial question by using a unique approach…..
We need to first define what a Question is:
1. A Question is a sentence requesting information or an answer.
Now let us define what an Answer is:

2. An Answer is an explanation for an unknown thing that the question poses. Henceforth, we can safely state that the presence of an answer necessitates the existence of a question i.e. If there is no question, there will be no answer. So, for example, if we define that cat is an animal that cannot talk, and if someone then asks if the cat speaks Chinese, there is no answer to this question since it is a logical mistake as per the definition and it carries with it the supposition that the cat talks. If we put the data concerning the cats into a computer answer the above question? It would probably be programmed to display on the screen: "Question is illogical." It would be an incorrect answer to say: "No the cat cannot speak Chinese," because the implication is that it can speak, although not Chinese. Equally incorrect is the answer to a different question, namely: "Can the cat speak?
Another question might be: "Is Germany the largest continent in the world?" Of-course the definition of Germany is that it is a Country and not a continent. But if one was to answer by saying: "Germany is not a continent: he would not be answering to the above question but rather to the question "Is Germany a continent?" But with regards to the question: "Is Germany the largest continent in the world?" it is an illogical question according to the definition of Germany (i.e. that it is a country). On the other hand, if one answers by saying: "No, Germany is not the largest continent in the world," he would still not be answering as he is indirectly implying that Germany is a continent although not the largest.

It is important to show the illogical nature of questions that are asked about the essence of God e.g. "Who created God?"
At this point, let us remind ourselves of the usual definition of God: we believe that God created everything including time, space, matter, energy and life. Thus, logically, the Creator cannot be subject to the laws and concepts that He created -including Time and Space.

However, examining our above question about God, reveals that it carries with it an implicit assumption of time succession i.e. that God is subject to Time. The question: "who made/caused God?" implies that there was another thing/cause that existed before God existed period in time. The question also carries the supposition that the supposed creator of God is also subject to Time since it was there before it created God. In fact, the question assumes that Time is an eternal law and not a created law and that Time was there before everything else, and everything else is subject to it. This, however, is not correct. Time is just one of the laws of the universe and a mere creation of God. Time is no more than an effect that depends on the observer's motion and the speed of light, and can become zero (theoretically) i.e. Void. Since Time exists within the universe and God is not part of the universe (or part of any of His creation for that matter), it naturally follows then that God is subject to Time, is in fact not a question at all.

This is because the question then contains erroneous assumptions that make it inadmissible, nonscientific and meaningless. Such a question is not a question and therefore does not have a direct answer. It is similar to asking: "How acute are the corners of a circle?" Because this question contains an intrinsic contradiction as per the definition of circles, it becomes totally unintelligible and hence nullifies its validity as a question i.e. effectively; the question does not exist.
Anybody advocating atheism ought to prove that time is absolute and eternal before posing the question, in the same way that someone who asks whether the cat speaks Chinese or not should first of all find out or prove that cats speak in the first place.

However, those of whom do not want to be manipulated, learn about Islam. The Islamic belief and subsequently the Islamic Way of Life are premised on the intellectual basis. Therefore, Islam is neither a religion nor a set of values and rituals that arise out of blind faith. Rather, Islam is an Intellectual belief from which emanates comprehensive socio-political belief i.e. the belief in God-Allah (swt) and the word of God-the Qur’an. Today the government has attained the ability to control you and the masses and it is time to break free from the yolk of this manipulation and learn about the truth, and the only truth that exists is the truth that is with Allah(The Creator of the Worlds). That truth is none other than Islam. It is time for this society to become a population of thinkers and not blind followers. It is time to find out about Islam. It is time to find out about the truth by using your own Mind. Don’t be fool by the media propaganda.
A Time for Thought.
A Time for Change.
A Time for Action.

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